this little girl just makes my heart sing..when i was 11 years old i was given the book of Milly Molly Mandy..It was a birthday present from my mumma and then baby sister..to the sadness of my heart ..they are not with me here on this earth but up in heaven..so this tattoo is for them as well...Ive wanted a tattoo for about 9 years now so last Friday ..i had this beautiful one done....singing and skipping Jo.
Jo, that little girl is adorable...what a sweet reminder of your mum and baby sister:)
This is utterly fabulous. I just love her.
Sooo so adorable.
I love your tattoo JO. I have one too, but its ancient now.. I got it when I was 18 and its no where near is sweet as yours!
I bet your mum and sister got a big kick out you getting a tattoo!
adoooorable!!! And so incredibly fitting!!! Love it to bits!!!
Hooray!!!...ok what do you have planned for your 2nd? haha....they are like chips...can't eat just one!!
xoxo Jenny
Love from the NJ shore!
Jo that is so beautiful.
What special memories will come to mind of your mumma and baby sister every time you see it
Wonderful tattoo. Congratulations!
What a lovely tattoo. My nickname is Milly Molly Mandy (because Im called Mandy) and I used to have a cat called Molly and another called Milly so now everybody calls me that LOL! X
It's a perfect tribute - gorgeous.
Darling Jo, this is just perfect for you...brave girl! Can't wait to see it in person!
Hi Jo, she is so sweet, great tattoo.
sweet! hope it hurt not tooo much... i know the tattoopain as well. best wishes ;0)
What a cute tattoo. I like it so much. Trust your mom and sis are both happy. Have a pleasant day.
Network Support Melbourne
This is the greatest tattoo ever!
What a cool tattoo!!!! I have wanted one also but don't like needles so I am kind of scared!!!! One day!!!!! Sara
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