WelCoMe To My LittLE WoRlD
Tis said Mr Australia of old saved a fairy princess who had made her way to earth from ''a dark world''

Thursday, October 18, 2007


welcome to my little world- well to day i did in deed feel a little like Alice in wonderland- Lauren- how do you do it-i did try to climb down in to the rabbit hole, well that didn't happen i can tell you so i decided to just be me- after all it is my birthday and on one's birthday they can do -yes do amazing things- well the days not over just yet- my young boys are just starting to come in after school, Mr Australia thought it was very funny when he told the boys to pretend its not my birthday- just see what mum does...well that was at breakfast time- i can tell you all- i did burn there toast and i put so much Vegemite on that they just keep looking at me as to say what-any way Angie gave in a said with his arms around me - mummy happy birthday your the best- yea right- he only wanted a good feed up-its funny isn't it- well then they all said it- you know the words of happy birthday- all that sorta thing???i remember when nanna once said to me you will turn 18 soon ,i thought that would never happen- well look now im 45 today- my family will all be here to night which will be fantastic- lots of cake and sips of champagne for the grown ups lemonade for the young boys- hay they might even take me out for tea- ya ya - happy october.. sweet divine.


A Saucerful Of Secrets said...


pinkroses said...

Happy Birthday Jo! I turned 47 on October 3..I knew we were kindred spirits! I know your day will be magical...and your table is set for tea...I am putting my lipstick on...today I will wear raspberry in honor of you!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy Birthday! You're adorable.

btw, you were right, that Iggy and LouLou website is to die for...

Stash said...

Well, Happy Birthday Jo! You are a spring chicken yet ;-) Hope you had a lovely birthday evening and I love that lilac and blue apron. Take good care!

Stash Studios

http://afancifultwist.typepad.com said...

Oh, how wonderful!! Happy Birthday!! You are so fabulous!!

Mackenzie Bergmann said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet, sweet girl!

I'm sending a toast with pink champagne! CHEERS!

Julie Bergmann

Rosemary said...

Happy Birthday Jo!!!
You have a wonderful day!! Enjoy yourself and your family.
Eat lots of cake and have a glass of champagne for me.

The Nostalgia Fairy said...

Belated happy birthday wishes Jo. Hope you had a wonderful day. Come on over to my blog when you get a chance, I have an award for you. Am looking out for a new lipstick, think I will try raspberry pink!!!!

Deb said...

Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday Jo.

Sandra at 7th St. Studio said...

HAPPY Be-lated BIRTHDAY Jo! You do look like the Birthday Queen in that pic!! Enjoy the day and have lots of fun and champagne!!!-Sandra

Donna O'Brien said...

Jo! happy belated birthday! Funny visual of you burning the toast- that'll teach 'em not to tease you. I hope your day was fabulous!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Jo! I hope it was wonderful!

A bird in the hand said...

Happy Birthday Jo! I had my birthday on Oct. 5.


Sandra Evertson said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!
You look Gorgeous!
Sandra Evertson

lauren said...

Ahhhh...but you have the heart of a child still.


Pinkie Denise said...

Happy belated birthday to you!I am an
October baby too. I can't believe how
many of my blogger friends are born in October too, wow! Something about those October people I turned 45 on the 19th. I had a lovely birthday with my family hope yours was great too. Pinkie Denise

Saucy said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Love reading your blog and seeing the very nice photos!